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Quality indicator annual summary
Under the Data Provision Requirements 2020, all Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) registered with ASQA are required to ask their students and employers for feedback and send us a summary of it every year.
Feedback from students and employers is an important measure for both providers and for ASQA. This helps providers to focus on quality, continuous improvement and ongoing compliance with the Standards, while contributing to national benchmarking.
Who needs to collect quality indicator data
RTOs are required to collect and submit data to ASQA by 30 June each year for the previous calendar year.
The following providers are exempt from reporting quality indicator data for the 2024 calendar year:
- if your RTO was granted initial registration after 30 June 2024. This applies whether the initial registration was granted by ASQA or another registering body.
- if your RTO did not provide any nationally recognised training or assessment services in the previous calendar year and submitted a ‘Nil return’ in the data collection for the Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS).
How and when to collect quality indicator data
Providers are encouraged to collect feedback data in the first half of the year about the previous calendar year (1 January to 31 December). Submit results to ASQA by 30 June.
The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) provides questionnaire templates for providers to use when asking for feedback. The wording should be used exactly as it appears in the templates, and can be sent to students and employers in any format or platform (e.g. Survey Monkey).
You need to use the wording exactly as it appears in the templates but you can send the questionnaires to learners and employers in any format or platform (e.g. Survey Monkey).
How and when to submit data
To submit your QI summary report by 30 June, complete the summary report using the Quality Indicator webform.
Please note ASQA is no longer accepting completed quality indicator summary reports by email. All submissions must now be made using the Quality Indicator webform.
Where to get support
The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) provides resources to help RTOs understand your reporting requirements, including the Learner survey guide (PDF) and the Employer survey guide (PDF). Please note that these guides refer to the Australian Quality Training Framework, which is now known as the VET Quality Framework.
If you have any questions about the quality indicator annual summary please contact us.
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