Extended transition period qualifications in UET Transmission, Distribution and Rail Sector Training package

16 September 2022

In some cases, ASQA is empowered to approve transition periods longer than those detailed in Clauses 1.26 (a), (b) and (c) of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015.

In accordance with the General Direction – Learner transition, ASQA will only consider applications for a longer transition period where it can be demonstrated that there would be genuine disadvantage to a cohort of learners if such an extension was not approved.

Where ASQA has approved an extended transition period, that arrangement applies to all RTOs delivering the specific training product to the identified learner cohort (e.g., plumbing apprentices in a specific jurisdiction where the qualification has been superseded), regardless of who made the application.

ASQA has recently approved an extended transition period for qualifications in the UET Transmission, Distribution and Rail Sector Training package. The extended training, assessment, and certification issuance period for these qualifications listed below ends on 31 July 2023: - 

  • UET20319 Certificate II in ESI - Powerline Vegetation Control
  • UET20619 Certificate II in ESI - Asset Inspection
  • UET30519 Certificate III in ESI - Power Systems - Transmission Overhead
  • UET30619 Certificate III in ESI - Power Systems - Distribution Overhead
  • UET30719 Certificate III in ESI - Power Systems - Rail Traction
  • UET30819 Certificate III in ESI - Power Systems - Distribution Cable Jointing
  • UET30919 Certificate III in ESI - Remote Community Utilities Worker
  • UET40419 Certificate IV in ESI - Network Systems
  • UET40519 Certificate IV in ESI - Power Systems Substations
  • UET50219 Diploma of ESI - Power Systems
  • UET60219 Advanced Diploma of ESI - Power Systems

It was demonstrated to ASQA that learners would be genuinely disadvantage if they were required to transition to the replacement qualification as the significance of changes would not provide the expected outcomes for existing learners.

ASQA consulted Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority (VRQA) and Training Accreditation Council Western Australia (TAC WA) for this extended transition request.

The decision was made with support from Australian Industry Standards in their role as the Skills Service Organisation; Essential Energy; State Training Authorities in NSW, WA, QLD, TAS and VIC; ESI Transmission, Distribution and Rail Sector Industry Reference Committee; Queensland ITAB which includes feedback from TAFE Qld and Energy Skills Qld and feedback from RTOs delivering these qualifications.

The qualifications in the UET Transmission, Distribution and Rail Sector Training package listed above will remain on RTOs scope of registration until the end of the extended transition period unless the RTO chooses to withdraw it from scope prior. 

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