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- ASQA overview
- Our role
Our role
We are responsible for regulating approximately 90% of Australian vocational education and training (VET) providers.
We regulate:
- training providers that deliver VET qualifications and courses to students in Australia or offer Australian qualifications overseas
- providers that deliver VET courses to people who are living in Australia on student visas
- certain providers that deliver English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS).
We accredit:
- VET courses to ensure they meet nationally approved standards, based on industry, enterprise, education, legislative and community needs.
We do not regulate:
- ELICOS courses that are delivered by a school, a higher education provider or as part of a pathway program for entry into a higher education institution
- training providers in Victoria and Western Australia that do not offer any online course or courses for interstate and overseas students.
In areas where we are not the responsible regulator, we work in partnership with the relevant accountable agencies, including state regulators in Victoria and Western Australia, and the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency, to ensure a nationally consistent and quality VET system.

Students in Victoria and Western Australia who are unsure whether ASQA is responsible for regulating their training provider should contact us.
Our publication for the community
View our latest issue of Pathways and Perspectives, which shares data, insights and important stories about the VET sector with our community. This publication provides an overview of the VET sector and the opportunities it can create for someone considering vocational education.
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