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Freedom of information
What is freedom of information?
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) seeks to give the Australian community access to information held by the Australian Government.
The FOI Act aims to achieve this objective by:
- requiring that agencies publish specific information on their websites
- providing for a right of access to documents.
ASQA routinely publishes information about its activities that may be of interest to the Australian community.
ASQA manages requests for information under the guidelines issued by the Australian Information Commissioner under s 93A of the FOI Act.
Right of access under the FOI Act
The FOI Act gives any person the right to:
- access copies of documents (except exempt records) that ASQA holds
- ask for information ASQA holds about them to be changed or annotated if it is incomplete, out of date, incorrect or misleading
- seek a review of a decision not to allow access to a document or not to amend their record.
Exempt documents
ASQA can refuse access to some documents, or parts of documents, that are considered ‘exempt’.
Exempt documents may include:
- those relating to national security
- documents containing material obtained in confidence
- Cabinet documents
- other matters set out in the FOI Act.
ASQA's publication obligations
The FOI Act requires agencies to:
- publish certain information about the agency under the Information Publication Scheme
- keep a disclosure log of certain documents to which access has been provided according to the FOI Act.
How do I make an FOI request?
Applications for access to documents must:
- be in writing (email is acceptable)
- state that the application is made under the FOI Act
- provide enough information to allow an ASQA officer to identify the documents you are seeking
- give details of how notices may be sent to the applicant (for example, a postal or email address).
Where do I send my request?
Send your application to ASQA by email or pre-paid post.
foi@asqa.gov.au | |
Post | Freedom of Information Officer Australian Skills Quality Authority GPO Box 9928 Melbourne VIC 3001 |
Assistance with your FOI request
Under the FOI Act, ASQA must take reasonable steps to assist you to make a valid FOI request.
If you require assistance with your FOI request, please contact ASQA by emailing: foi@asqa.gov.au.
If you make an FOI request to ASQA, and ASQA believes that the request is the responsibility of another agency or Minister, ASQA will take reasonable steps to assist you to direct your FOI request appropriately.
What happens after ASQA receives your FOI request?
ASQA processes applications following the requirements of the FOI Act—we will acknowledge receipt of your FOI request within 14 days.
Timeframes for making a decision
Generally, ASQA will decide on your FOI request and notify you of its decision within 30 days of receiving your request.
However, ASQA has the capacity to extend this timeframe in certain circumstances, outlined in the following table.
Reason for extension | Action and length of the extension |
Consultation with a third party is required under the FOI Act | ASQA will have an additional 30 days to make a decision |
ASQA requires more time to make a decision | ASQA may apply to the Information Commissioner for an additional 30 days or more to process your FOI request |
Your FOI request is complex or voluminous | ASQA may apply to the Information Commissioner for an additional 30 days or more to process your FOI request |
ASQA may make a decision to impose charges | The period between ASQA sending an intention to charge notification and the day a final decision regarding imposing a fee is made, is disregarded when calculating the time for processing your FOI request |
In some circumstances, ASQA may need to consult a third party before deciding on your request.
Affected third parties may include:
- A state or territory may need to be consulted about documents containing information which originated with, or was received from, the state or territory.
- An individual may require consultation about documents containing either their personal information or information about their business or professional affairs.
- An organisation or undertaking may require consultation relating to documents containing information about their business, commercial or financial affairs.
If ASQA consults a third party under the FOI Act, it is required to take in to account to any submissions made by the third party.
Notification of decision
Once we decide on your FOI request, ASQA will notify you in writing of that decision.
Where ASQA decides not to grant you access in full to all documents that you have sought, ASQA will provide you with the reasons for its decision and notify you of your review rights.
Providing access to documents
Ordinarily, ASQA will provide you with copies of any documents released in response to your FOI request once:
- all applicable charges are paid (if any)
- there is no outstanding objection to release by a third party.
If ASQA decides that part of a document you seek is exempt or irrelevant, it may provide you with an edited copy of the document with the exempt or irrelevant material deleted.
Exemptions and conditional exemptions
Under the FOI Act, ASQA is not required to provide you with access to an all or part of an exempt document or conditionally exempt document if the disclosure of that document would be contrary to the public interest.
The exemptions and conditional exemptions are set out in the FOI Act.
If ASQA decides all or part of a document is conditionally exempt, it will give you access unless ASQA decides that such access contrary to the public interest.
Whether access to a document is contrary to the public interest is determined by various factors set out in Section 11B of the FOI Act.
Is there a charge for FOI requests?
There are no application fees for FOI requests.
ASQA does not charge for processing requests for access to documents containing only personal information about an applicant. However, processing charges may apply to other requests.
The most common charges are displayed in the table below.
Action | Charge |
Search and retrieval—time ASQA spends searching for or retrieving a document | $15.00 per hour |
Decision making—time spent in deciding to grant or refuse a request, including examining documents, consulting with other parties, and making deletions |
Photocopying | $0.10 per page |
Delivery—posting or delivering a copy of a document at your request | Cost of postage or delivery |
If ASQA decides that you are liable to pay a charge in relation to your FOI request, ASQA will send you a notice which will:
- explain that we believe you are responsible for paying this charge
- provide an estimate of that charge
- set out how you may seek to have the charge reduced or not imposed
- detail the likely effects on the timeframe for processing your FOI request.
Reviews and complaints
An applicant can ask for a review of the following decisions if ASQA:
- refuses to provide access to all or part of a document
- defers providing access to all or part of a document
- imposes a charge
- refuses to change or annotate personal information about an applicant that the applicant claims is incomplete, incorrect, out of date or misleading.
A third party who disagrees with ASQA's decision to provide access to documents that contain information about them can also ask for the decision to be reviewed.
Internal review
Applicants can request in writing that ASQA reconsider its decision through an internal review. You should request an internal review within 30 days of being notified of an FOI decision, although ASQA has the discretion to extend this time.
The internal review will not be conducted by the officer who made the original decision, but rather, by another officer in the agency.
ASQA will advise you of the outcome of the review within 30 days of receiving your request.
Information Commissioner review
You can ask the Australian Information Commissioner to review:
- ASQA’s original decision
- ASQA’s decision on internal review.
You must make this request to the Information Commissioner within 60 days of receiving notice of the date of decision (or within 30 days of the notification of an affected third party).
The Information Commissioner can affirm or vary the decision, or substitute a new decision. The Information Commissioner may also decide not to conduct a review in certain circumstances.
Review by Administrative Review Tribunal
If you do not agree with a decision of the Information Commissioner, you can request that the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) review the decision.
If you are unhappy with the way ASQA has handled your FOI request, you may complain to the Australian Information Commissioner, who may investigate ASQA's actions.
Freedom of information disclosure log
Publicly available information released following an FOI access request
The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) is required by section 11C of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) to publish FOI decisions through a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists information released in response to an FOI access request. This requirement has applied since 1 May 2011. All entries published on ASQA’s disclosure log will be available for viewing below.
The disclosure log requirement does not apply to:
- personal information about any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
- information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
- other information covered by a determination made by the Australian Information Commissioner if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
- any information if it is not reasonably practicable to publish the information because of the extent of modifications that would need to be made to delete the information listed in the above dot points.
The information described in this disclosure log has been released by ASQA under the FOI Act and is available for public access. Documents have been made available for download in PDF format. If you are unable to access the format provided, please email foi@asqa.gov.au for assistance and we will try to provide the document in an alternate format (for example, in Word). Documents that are not available for download may be obtained by emailing foi@asqa.gov.au. Please refer to the FOI reference number in your email.
A charge may be imposed to reimburse ASQA for the cost incurred in copying ($0.10 per page) or reproducing the information or sending it to you. There will be no charge for the time spent by ASQA in processing the FOI request that led to this information being made available. You will be notified if any charge is payable and required to pay the charge before the information is provided.
FOI reference number | 13-14-0029 |
Date of access | 30 June 2014 |
FOI request | Documents about ASQA’s policy that all VET accredited English courses, excluding those courses designed for people wanting to teach English to speakers of other languages (TESOL), are required to be registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas students (CRICOS) as English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS). |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant documents (relevant meeting minutes, correspondence, a briefing and an instrument of delegation) are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information | ASQA has since modified this policy. |
FOI reference number | 13-14-0031 |
Date of access | 7 July 2014 |
FOI request | Documents about ASQA’s policy that all VET accredited English courses, excluding those courses designed for people wanting to teach English to speakers of other languages (TESOL), are required to be registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas students (CRICOS) as English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) (additional material requested). |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant document (Risk Assessment Methodology) is not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information | ASQA has since modified this policy. |
FOI reference number | 15-16-0025 |
Date of access | 14 January 2016 |
FOI request | A table of all audits conducted during the request time period (January 2013 to December 2015) that includes the name of the RTO and the date of the audit. |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant table of audits is not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy |
Other information |
FOI reference number | 18-19-0076 |
Date of access | 21 February 2019 |
FOI request | Documents relating to: ASQA's audit and related processes or procedures applied or developed for the VET FEE-HELP strategy review project, ASQA's audit and related processes or procedures applied or developed as part of the project announced by the Hon. Senator Simon Birmingham, ASQA's audit and related processes or procedures applied or developed behind information published in relation to the Audit process in the Targeted Audit of VET FEE-HELP providers from October 2015, ASQA's audit and related processes or procedures relating to the "enhanced compliance audit process" for targeted audits of VET FEE-HELP providers. |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant documents (relevant meeting minutes, audit report tools) are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number | 19-20-0009 |
Date of access | 23 September 2019 |
FOI request | A table of all infringement notices and civil and criminal penalties issued under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act during the request time period (January 2014 to August 2019) that includes the VET provider name, the date of offence, the provision applied and the penalty imposed. |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant table of all infringement notices and civil and criminal penalties is not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number | 19-20-0030 |
Date of access | 8 January 2020 |
FOI request | A copy of the following documents referred to the auditor handbooks: Conduct Post Initial Cheat Sheet – Data Integrity – Regulatory Operations – Auditor Handbook, Practical Guide – PRISMS Records, Practical Guide – Provider Profile and Factsheet – Compliance History Methodology, Practical Guide – Audit Report Tool (Managing audits conducted by panel auditors), Practical Guide – writing the audit report, Practical Guide – Audit report tool (Panel auditor), Initial audit – validation component, Response Option Assessment (Regulatory Activity), Suggested wording of NVR Act recommendations, Suggested wording of ESOS Act recommendations. |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number | 19-20-0038 |
Date of access | 23 December 2019 |
FOI request | Legal advice received by ASQA from AGS regarding its position on third-party arrangements. |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information | Please note, the AGS advice considered in the scope of the request refer to the issue of third-party arrangements in the wider context of legal advice on the matter of the proposed sanctioning of a registered training organisation. |
FOI reference number | 19-20-0046 |
Date of access | 02 March 2020 |
FOI request | I hereby make application for a copy of documents held by ASQA evidencing decisions made by ASQA during the period commencing on 1 July 2018 and ending on 23 December 2019 in relation to the granting of renewal of registration under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (the NVR Act) to a registered training organisation (RTO) where the period of the renewal of registration for the RTO concerned was for less than the maximum period of 7 years allowed under section 17(5) of the NVR Act (limited to documents that show the reasons for such decisions), however, no objection will be raised to the granting of access to an edited copy of any such document (being provided under section 22 of the FOI Act) which deletes the name, address and identifying number of the RTO the subject of any such decision. |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number | 19-20-0054 |
Date of access | 11 February 2020 |
FOI request | I would like to be provided with ASQA RTO audit statistics from 2016 to 2019, specifically relating to data on non-compliances for all RTOs audited for Clauses 1.13 - 1.16; 1.17-1.20 and 1.22-1.24. |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number | 19-20-0062 |
Date of access | 06 April 2020 |
FOI request | I am seeking to access any documentation, whether in the form of reports, internal or external communications such as emails, meeting minutes, publications, or any other form of documentation, which relates to the sector-wide analysis of the annual declaration on compliance which the CEOs of all ASQA registered RTOs are required to make. For clarity, I am seeking to understand how the data contained in those reports is collated and analysed, and what actions are taken as a result following analysis. I would like to access general process information (e.g. documents describing the procedure which is followed to analyse and act on the data contained within the annual declaration on compliance) and specific information from the past three years (records related to analysis of, and actions taken as a result of, the annual declarations on compliance made in 2019, 2018 and 2017). I am not seeking to access the content of specific declarations made by individual CEOs. |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number | 20-21-0010 |
Date of access | 07 December 2020 |
FOI request | A copy of ASQA’s policies and procedures related to complaints about training providers. |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number | 20-21-0039 |
Date of access | 15 April 2021 |
FOI request | A copy of a flowchart outlining ASQA’s new audit process highlighting at what stage documents are provided to the applicant organisation. Draft/deliberation documents can be excluded. |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information | For more information relating to ASQA’s new audit procedures, please visit ASQA’s website at the following link: Our regulatory practice | Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). The most up to date information on ASQA’s reforms and approach to regulation can be accessed on this page. As changes are being made to ASQA’s regulatory approaches, ASQA’s website will be updated to reflect these changes. |
FOI reference number | 20-21-0043 |
Date of access | 12 April 2021 |
FOI request | My inquiry is in relation to compliance with the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014. I'm seeking from Australian Skills Quality Authority, for each calendar year from 2016 to 2019 inclusively, the first page that contains the completion date of the first finalised: a) fraud-risk assessment for purposes of s10(a) of the Rule, and b) fraud/compliance audit implemented for purposes of s10(b/d) of the Rule. For clarity, this entails only 1 page per calendar year for each activity (a) & (b). Please feel free to redact everything but the completion date, activity type (assessment/audit) and entity name on each page, and if you implement these measures divisionally, then please be sure to release the pages requested above for each division respectively. Alternatively, if convenient, a simple tabular report would suffice as follows: Year, Entity/Division, Activity, Completion 2016, Entity/Division A, Risk-assessment, 1/2/2016 2016, Entity/Division A, Fraud/compliance audit, 1/5/2016 2017, Entity/Division A, Fraud/compliance audit, 1/8/2017 2018, Entity/Division A, Risk-assessment, 1/2/2018 2018, Entity/Division A, Fraud/compliance audit, 1/9/2018 |
Information published in the disclosure log |
The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number |
22-23-0007 |
Date of access |
01/12/2022 |
FOI request |
Information relating to ASQA’s revocation decisions in 2021/22. |
Information published in the disclosure log |
The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number |
22-23-0008 |
Date of access |
01/12/2022 |
FOI request |
Total number of ASQA website views that occurred in the 2021/22 period |
Information published in the disclosure log |
The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number |
22-23-0009 |
Date of access |
16/12/2022 |
FOI request |
Total number of complaints received by ASQA regarding training providers, from members of the public (including students), in the financial year 2021/22. |
Information published in the disclosure log |
The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number |
22-23-0010 |
Date of access |
07/02/2023 |
FOI request |
ASQA’s Budget Estimates briefing pack for October/November 2022. |
Information published in the disclosure log |
The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number |
22-23-0015 |
Date of access |
27/02/2023 |
FOI request |
Documents related to ASQA's recent decision to extend the transition period for SHB Hairdressing and Beauty Services Training Package. |
Information published in the disclosure log |
The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number |
22-23-0016 |
Date of access |
14/03/2023 |
FOI request |
Documents related to ASQA's recent decision to extend the transition period for the Training and Education (TAE) Training Package. |
Information published in the disclosure log |
The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number |
22-23-0019 |
Date of access |
13/04/2023 |
FOI request |
ASQA’s Budget Estimates briefing pack for February 2023. |
Information published in the disclosure log |
The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number | 23-24-0015 |
Date of access | 21/12/2023 |
FOI request |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number | 23-24-0025 |
Date of access | 04/03/2024 |
FOI request | ASQA's template tools, criteria and/or record keeping documents regarding complaints made via the tip off line or the tip off online form. |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number | 23-24-0021 |
Date of access | 07/03/2024 |
FOI request | Documents currently used by ASQA Officers, to interpret PRISMS data during performance assessments. |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number | 23-24-0023 |
Date of access | 05/04/2024 |
FOI request |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number | 23-24-0028 |
Date of access | 19/04/2024 |
FOI request | A list of entities which have had their registration for all courses at all locations cancelled by ASQA under the ESOS Act (and after review rights have been exhausted) for the period the 1/1/2019 and 1/1/24. |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number | 24-25-0008 |
Date of access | 10/09/2024 |
FOI Request |
All documents held by ASQA related to this invoicing process, including:
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number | 24-25-0012 |
Date of access | 28/10/2024 |
FOI Request |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number | 24-25-0019 |
Date of access | 11/11/2024 |
FOI Request |
1. Documents containing information about the number, classification levels, type of employment (e.g. full time, part time, fractional, casual) functions and position descriptions of Indigenous Liaison Officers or equivalent (e.g. First Nations Liaison Officer or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer), if any, in your agency from 1 January 2014 until the present. 2. Documents containing information about the number of staff currently employed in your agency who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. 3. Documents containing contact information about any Indigenous Liaison Officers currently employed in your agency. |
Information published in the disclosure log | The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number |
24-25-0030 |
Date of access |
29/01/2025 |
FOI Request |
The Style Guides/Brand Guides/Writing Guides currently used for the Australian Skills Quality Authority. |
Information published in the disclosure log |
The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
FOI reference number |
24-25-0035 |
Date of access |
10/02/2025 |
FOI Request |
ASQA's latest Annual Report notes that it regulates 3,859 current Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). Page 8: https://www.asqa.gov.au/media/2433 |
Information published in the disclosure log |
The relevant documents are not currently available to download. Please email foi@asqa.gov.au to request a copy. |
Other information |
More information
For more information, including more details about ASQA's FOI policy, email ASQA on foi@asqa.gov.au or call the ASQA Info Line on 1300 701 801.
Read the information that ASQA routinely publishes under the requirements of the Information Publication Scheme.
For more information about FOI, please refer to the FOI Guidelines and other information available from the Information Commissioner.