Extended transition period: UET Units of competency (x7)

22 September 2023
  • UETDRRF001 Perform cable pit/trench/excavation rescue
  • UETDRRF002 Perform EWP rescue
  • UETDRRF003 Perform pole top rescue
  • UETDRRF004 Perform rescue from a live LV panel
  • UETDRRF005 Perform rescue from switchyard structures at heights
  • UETDRRF006 Perform tower rescue
  • UETTDRRF08 Perform EWP controlled descent escape

ASQA is empowered to approve transition periods longer than those detailed in Clause 1.26(a) of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015.

In accordance with the Guidance for Providers – Learner Transition, ASQA will only consider applications for a longer transition period where it can be demonstrated that there would be genuine disadvantage to a cohort of learners if such an extension was not approved.

ASQA has recently approved an extended transition period for the training products referenced above.

The transition period for training, assessment and certification issuance for these training products is extended from 13 October 2023 to 13 October 2024. It applies to providers for delivery to all students on the condition that they must complete and receive certification by the new transition end date.

ASQA has advised the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority and the Training Accreditation Council of Western Australia regarding this extended transition period.

The training products referenced above will remain on RTOs’ scope of registration until the end of the extended transition period.

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