Join us in combatting sexual harassment in the workplace

6 July 2021

A 2018 national survey, conducted by the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) showed that sexual harassment in Australian workplaces is still widespread and pervasive.

Sector specific advice

The AHRC findings and recommendations were published in Respect@Work: Sexual Harassment National Inquiry Report (2020). This latest report is essential reading for every employer and every workplace. Here are some important reminders: 

  • You are required to have an adequate and robust complaints system in place and a record of any complaints lodged and action taken as a result. 
  • All executive officers and the ‘high managerial agent’ of a RTO must satisfy the Fit and Proper Person Requirements Requirements (which, as of 2015, are part of the Standards in Schedule 3). 
  • Self-assurance is critical in managing risk. By ensuring your provider has systems and processes in place to critically examine performance on an ongoing basis, you are able to identify and fix any issues as they arise.

Developing further VET guidance

To assist the sector further in responding to sexual harassment in the workplace, ASQA is developing sector-specific guidance to help your organisation prevent and respond to sexual harassment.  

Engage with us

We would like to hear from providers what you would find helpful in these resources, as well as examples of good practice. Please provide any insights, input or responses to

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