RTOs remain satisfied with ASQA’s audit processes

19 December 2018

The results of the Australian Skills Quality Authority’s (ASQA) latest site audit surveys have confirmed that registered training organisations (RTOs) continue to be satisfied with the regulator’s audit processes.

The latest surveys sought feedback from RTOs that had a site audit finalised between 1 January and 30 June 2018. Ninety-nine of the 237 RTOs invited to provide feedback completed the survey.

The following is a summary of the survey results across the five survey question categories:

Communication prior to the site visit

  • 99% of respondents reported it was clear:
    • why the audit was being conducted
    • which standards were to be audited
    • who the members of the audit team were, and
    • the duration and process of the audit.

The site visit

  • 98% of respondents reported that the audit purpose, scope and process were discussed at the opening meeting
  • 94% reported that their organisation:
    • had the opportunity to provide information about their organisation’s operations
    • was given sufficient opportunity to provide evidence during the audit, and
    • was informed of compliance issues as they were identified.
  • 97% reported that, at the exit meeting, the auditor:
    • summarised the audit findings, and
    • outlined the next steps associated with finalising the audit, including the provision of an audit report and notification of compliance decisions.
  • 93% of respondents reported that, where a change to the audit plan occurred, they were kept informed of the change and the reason for the change.

Audit team competencies

  • 93% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that the audit team was objective, knowledgeable about the regulatory framework(s) being audited, well-organised, professional, respectful and courteous and acted in an honest manner and with integrity.

The audit report

  • Of the respondents that indicated the audit report identified non-compliance, 92% reported the audit report was clear and sufficiently detailed to enable their organisation to understand any gaps and rectification requirements and it was clear when further evidence of compliance was due and how to provide it.

Transparency of the audit process

  • 92% of respondents reported their organisation was ‘Very Satisfied’ or ‘Satisfied’ with the fairness and transparency of the audit process.
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