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Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS)
Consistent with Australian Government decisions, ASQA transitioned to a full cost recovery agency from 1 July 2022.
It is an Australian Government requirement that ASQA publish contemporary information about cost recovery via a Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS). This document provides key information on how ASQA calculates and implements charges for specific regulatory activity.
Further information about cost recovery is also available on the Department of Finance website.
ASQA began operating as a full cost recovery agency from 1 July 2022. This involved changes to ASQA’s cost recovery arrangements, including our fees and charges.
The Australian Government Budget 2018–19 announced ASQA would transition from partial cost recovery to full cost recovery by 2020–21. This transition was deferred to 2021-22 as part of a package of measures announced in April 2020 to lift the financial pressures on providers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. During this period, ASQA undertook two rounds of consultation with the VET sector.

Cost Recovery Implementation Statement 2022-23
Effective until 30 June 2023

Past Cost Recovery Implementation Statements
ASQA's CRIS 2018-19