Sector alert
Delivery to international students, including unethical practices of third-party education agents, continues to be a regulatory priority for ASQA and a focus across government.
Training providers who deliver Australian VET qualifications to international students must meet their legislative obligations under the ESOS Act and National Code to not engage in misleading or deceptive conduct when recruiting students or providing courses and not provide false or misleading information or guarantee a migration outcome in any marketing activities. Providers must also ensure that their marketing and promotion of courses and education services is not false or misleading and is consistent with Australian Consumer Law.
ASQA continues to actively engage across government to support compliance activities, surveillance and monitoring activities, where concerns around provider practice have been raised.
We have communicated directly with all CRICOS providers to restate our expectations and the actions we are taking.
ASQA encourages anyone with information or concerns about a provider’s compliance to be submitted via our online complaints portal - asqaconnect
Our role in monitoring ESOS registered providers is to make sure they meet their obligations under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act). ASQA draws on data and intelligence from many sources to assess risk and determine the regulatory response. Where our compliance and monitoring activities identify a provider does not meet the requirements of the ESOS Framework, we respond in a proportionate way using a range of monitoring, enforcement, compliance and education tools. Please see ASQA’s Approach to Compliance for further information.