Provider closures
Training providers may close for a range of reasons, including:
- they are no longer financially viable
- ASQA has cancelled their registration
- the business owner can no longer deliver training.
If a training provider is no longer financially viable, a representative such as an administrator or liquidator may be appointed to act on the training provider’s behalf to close the business.
If a training provider closes while still delivering training
Unfortunately, some training providers close while still delivering training. If this occurs you need to:
- plan to continue your training
- collect evidence of your training
- recover or pay any outstanding fees.
When a training provider closes, you will usually be advised of the situation by the training provider or their representative. Students can also find out their training provider has closed because:
- no one turns up to teach classes
- no one answers emails or phone calls
- word-of-mouth
- media reports on the closure.
If this has occurred, please contact us and we can tell you the most up-to-date information we have received or investigate the matter further.
Plan to continue your training
The closing provider may offer a transfer to a new provider. You do not have to accept the transfer and may choose another training provider that better suits your needs.
For help with continuing your training, you can also contact one of the organisations listed below.
Domestic students
If you are | Who to contact |
A funded student (e.g. your training is paid for by a government department, employer or other organisation) | The organisation providing your funding |
A student who paid fees upfront | You can find other providers offering your course on the My Skills website. The new provider can help you transfer your training. |
A student who has a VET Student Loan | The Tuition Protection Service (TPS). For more information, please visit Tuition Protection Service |
International students
If you are a student from overseas on a student visa, you will need to contact the Tuition Protection Service (TPS). TPS will help to arrange your transfer to another approved provider to ensure your visa remains current.
Collect evidence of your training
You will need evidence of the completed training when transferring to another training provider.
Credit transfer
To gain a credit transfer, you will need to provide your new training provider with formal evidence of your completed training. When closing, a training provider is expected to issue:
- an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) testamur and record of results to any student who has completed the requirements of the relevant qualification, or
- a statement of attainment to a student who has not completed all of the requirements of a qualification but has completed one or more units of competency.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL)
If you have completed some training but have not been formally assessed by your former training provider, make sure you keep any copies of assessment items and any feedback you have received. These items are useful when applying for recognition of prior learning with your new training provider.
Read more about credit transfers and recognition of prior learning.
Recover or pay any outstanding fees
You need to contact the closing provider for any matters about course fees. ASQA is unable to help you in recovering your course fees.
All students must pay fees for the part of the course they have completed and for which they have been assessed.
If you believe you are owed a refund and the closing provider does not help you, contact the relevant consumer protection agency in your state or territory. Please refer to the Commonwealth Ombudsman website for contact information.
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