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Training packages
Training packages specify the knowledge and skills required by individuals to perform effectively in the workplace, expressed in units of competency. Training packages also detail how units of competency can be packaged into nationally recognised and portable qualifications that comply with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
Training packages are used for a range of purposes, but predominantly:
- by training providers, to design training curriculum tailored to support individual learner needs, and the needs of employers and industry
- by employers, to assist with workforce design, development, and structure.
Training packages consist of the following nationally endorsed training package products:
- units of competency, which specify the standard of performance required in the workplace
- assessment requirements (associated with each unit of competency)
- qualifications aligned to the AQF (Certificate I to Advanced Diploma, Vocational Degree, Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma)
- credit arrangements.
Registered training providers can only deliver training package qualifications and units of competency if those products are on their scope of registration. For more information visit the Change scope of registration page.
Training Package development
From 1 January 2023, and as part of industry engagement reforms, the Australian Government announced the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations will establish the independent Training Package Assurance function to ensure training products meet national standards. This will help drive continuous improvement in training product development and ensure high quality training products are delivered to users of the VET system.
The Training Package Assurance function will deliver increased transparency, accountability, and confidence in training products for employers, learners and training providers. It ensures high quality compliance assessments of training packages against the standards set by Skills Ministers.
You can find out more about the Skills Reform Training Package Assurance function on the DEWR website.
Updated training packages
When training packages are updated, training providers need to ensure they transition to the newest version of a training product. Learn more about when training products change.
When a training package is revised, the relevant IRC will publish an accompanying Companion Volume Implementation Guide to help providers implement the new or updated products. These guides are available through either:
- the individual training package entry on training.gov.au through the ‘Companion Volumes’ link, or
- via VETNet
ASQAs role in relation to training packages
ASQA's role is to ensure that providers are ready to deliver/are delivering training and assessment that meets training package requirements including managing the scope of registration of regulated providers.
ASQA automatically updates its regulated providers’ scope of registration when new equivalent training package products are released. Visit the Transition Items page for more information.