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Contact us
Find out how to contact ASQA online, by phone, by post or on social media.
Contact us online
You can submit an enquiry or provide feedback using our online form.
Call us
Call us on 1300 701 801 (dial +61 3 8613 3910 from outside Australia) between 9am to 5pm (Australian local time) Monday-Friday.
Call us on 1300 644 844 (dial +61 2 5933 2022 from outside Australia) if you would like to provide a tip-off concerning fraud or other threats to the integrity of the VET sector between 9am to 5pm (Australian local time) Monday to Friday.
You can also talk to someone in your language by calling the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) 131 450 to speak with us.
Postal address
GPO Box 9928
Brisbane QLD 4001
ASQA has offices in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.
Social media
You can follow us on social media:
Request for ASQA engagement
We are committed to building stronger relationships with our stakeholders. We welcome requests to collaborate, consult and engage with others who seek to ensure quality and integrity in the VET sector.
If you would like to request ASQA to participate in an initiative, event or discussion, please fill out our form to express your interest and we will reach out to discuss your opportunity.
Reporting fraud and other threats to the integrity of the VET sector
Our online service allows you to provide information to ASQA about an individual, business, or organisation in the VET sector which may then be used to detect potential fraud or other serious conduct.

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