Fraud and other threats to the integrity of the VET sector
Report a Tip-off
Please follow the link to begin reporting if you have information that may relate to fraud and other threats to the integrity of the VET sector.
This online service allows you to provide information to ASQA about an individual, business, or organisation in the VET sector which may then be used to detect potential fraud or other serious conduct.
ASQA can only take action on concerns that relate to our regulatory responsibility. It may refer information collected to other government agencies for potential investigations that fall outside of ASQA’s scope.

ASQA is bound by the provisions of the Privacy Act 1988, including the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). Your personal information will be handled in accordance with ASQA's obligations under this Act.
Report a Tip-off
Please follow the link to begin reporting if you have information that may relate to fraud and other threats to the integrity of the VET sector.
Lodging an anonymous concern
You may wish to remain anonymous when providing this information. If you choose not to remain anonymous, we may need to contact you to collect further information.
Why is ASQA collecting my personal information?
Personal information collected in this form and any supporting documentation you provide will be used to assess the information you have provided. We may also collect further information from others, should that information be relevant.
How will my personal information be used and disclosed?
ASQA will keep your information confidential if requested, however, ASQA may be required to disclose your personal information in exceptional circumstances where we are required to do so by an Australian law or a Court/ Tribunal order. Your personal information may be disclosed if the disclosure is necessary for, or relevant to, the exercise of powers of another agency. ASQA is not likely to disclose your personal information to any overseas recipients.
Complaints and Tip-offs
Please note that complaint and Tip-off reports are two distinct types of feedback and ASQA has different channels to accept both.
- A complaint report advises ASQA about your dissatisfaction with the quality of training, customer service, communication or administrative processes you have experienced.
- A Tip-off report advises ASQA about activities about your suspicions or evidence you may have of deceptive practices, unethical behaviours or illegal activities.
Further information
Please see ASQA’s complete Privacy policy. ASQA's Privacy Policy includes information about how you may access or seek correction of your personal information and how you may make a complaint about your privacy.