Change work-based training component on CRICOS

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About this form

Use this form to add, remove or change the details of a work-based training component for a VET course registered on CRICOS.

You can only add a work-based training component where students must undertake designated training and/or be assessed performing in a real work environment in order to achieve their qualification. The training package rules – either for the qualification or for one or more core units to achieve the qualification - identify where assessment in a work environment is mandated.

There are no fees to make these changes.

How to use this form

To submit this form you need to:
  1. Answer every question.
  2. Make sure the form is signed by your Principal Executive Officer.

Need help?

 If you need help completing this form, or want to change more than 4 courses, call 1300 701 801 or email us at

Section 1: Provider details


Section 2: Change work component

Complete for each course you wish to change.

Course details

Change being made

Course details

Change being made

Course details

Change being made

Course details

Change being made

Section 4: Declaration

To be signed by the Principal Executive Officer.