Updated statement regarding TAFE SA

19 December 2017

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) recently made a decision to suspend 10 qualifications from the scope of registration of TAFE SA (RTO number 41026) from 23 January 2018. 

On Monday 18 December 2017, ASQA agreed to a request from TAFE SA for an extension of time to lodge a reconsideration application to 2 March 2018. 

Consistent with usual practice, ASQA has also agreed that its decision on the suspension of the 10 qualifications will not take effect while the reconsideration process is underway.

TAFE SA was subject to routine regulatory scrutiny in May 2017 which identified some non-compliance with the requirements of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Quality Framework. As a result, in September ASQA issued TAFE SA with a notice of intention to suspend a total of 16 qualifications from its scope of registration. ASQA considered the response provided by TAFE SA to the notice of intention. This response did not address all of the non-compliances identified and on Monday 4 December 2017 ASQA formally advised TAFE SA of its decision to suspend 10 qualifications from its scope of registration as a provider of vocational education and training. This decision was due to come into effect as of 23 January 2018.

Where ASQA makes a decision to impose a regulatory sanction, there are several review mechanisms available. These mechanisms include an internal reconsideration of the decision by ASQA or an external review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. A provider may request reconsideration of that decision on or before the effective date of the decision. 

ASQA has extended the deadline for TAFE SA to lodge a reconsideration application to 2 March 2018 under section 200(4)(b) of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011. Such extensions are based on the specific circumstances of the applicant and the impact of granting the extension.  

ASQA’s decision in relation to TAFE SA will not take effect until the reconsideration review process is complete. 

ASQA will not be taking steps to cancel any qualifications issued by TAFE SA. ASQA is working with TAFE SA on the reassessment of students impacted by the decision.

ASQA has advised TAFE SA of its intention to undertake another compliance monitoring audit of its training and assessment within 12 months.

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