The 2025 Annual Declaration on Compliance

13 February 2025

The Annual Declaration on Compliance (ADC) is an online declaration that all Registered Training Organisation (RTOs) must complete. The submission period for the 2025 ADC will be 3 March to 31 March 2025.

The ADC can only be completed by the person who is legally responsible for the registration of the RTO (the listed Chief Executive Officer).

The ADC confirms that:

  • your organisation currently meets the requirements of the Standards; and
  • has met the requirements of the Standards for all Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) certifications issued in the last 12 months.

The ADC also confirms that you have strategies and practices in place that ensure all students will be trained and assessed in accordance with the Standards.

Under the Standards you are required to systematically monitor and evaluate your training and assessment strategies and practices. You must use that information to self-assure your operations and continue to improve your training and assessment. The information you have gathered from your evaluations will support your declaration.

Where you disclose non-compliance in the ADC you will be asked additional information about how you are addressing this and the actions you have or are taking to return to compliance. Including this information as part of your ADC submission demonstrates your commitment to continuous improvement and capability to deliver quality VET.

You may like to use ASQA’s Self-Assessment Tool to assist with your ADC preparations.

For more information see our ADC webpage. Listen to our ADC podcast.

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