Extended transition period: HLT First aid units to 14 April 2022

15 October 2021

In some cases, ASQA is empowered to approve transition periods longer than those detailed in Clauses 1.26 (a), (b) and (c) of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015.

In accordance with the General Direction – Learner transition, ASQA will only consider applications for a longer transition period where it can be demonstrated that there would be genuine disadvantage to a cohort of learners if such an extension was not approved.

Where ASQA has approved an extended transition period, that arrangement applies to all RTOs delivering the specific training product to the identified learner cohort (e.g. plumbing apprentices in a specific jurisdiction where the qualification has been superseded), regardless of who made the application.

Recently the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) agreed to extend the transition period of the following units of competency until 14 April 2022

  • HLTAID001 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • HLTAID002 - Provide basic emergency life support
  • HLTAID003 - Provide first aid
  • HLTAID004 - Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
  • HLTAID005 - Provide first aid in remote situations
  • HLTAID006 - Provide advanced first aid
  • HLTAID007 - Provide advanced resuscitation
  • HLTAID008 - Manage first aid services and resources

It was demonstrated to ASQA that there would be significant impact on training providers if the units were not granted an extended period of transition, particularly where the superseded units are required to be delivered as part of or as a pre-requisite to a current training product.

ASQA encourages providers to deliver the current versions of these units of competency in other circumstances, for example where offered as a stand-alone unit.

This extension is granted to all registered training organisations (RTOs) delivering units. The decision extends the transition period for these RTOs to continue training assessment and issue Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) certification.

The units will remain on relevant RTOs scope of registration until the end of the extended transition period, unless withdrawn from scope prior.

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