Extended transition period: qualifications from the MAR Maritime Training Package

18 June 2021

In some cases, ASQA is empowered to approve transition periods longer than those detailed in Clauses 1.26 (a), (b) and (c) of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015.

In accordance with the General Direction – Learner transition, ASQA will only consider applications for a longer transition period where it can be demonstrated that there would be genuine disadvantage to a cohort of learners if such an extension was not approved.

Where ASQA has approved an extended transition period, that arrangement applies to all RTOs delivering the specific training product to the identified learner cohort (e.g. plumbing apprentices in a specific jurisdiction where the qualification has been superseded), regardless of who made the application.

ASQA has recently approved the following extended transition periods for qualifications from the MAR Maritime Training Package:

Qualification Extended transition period end date
  • MAR10318 Certificate I in Maritime Operations (General Purpose Hand Near Coastal)
  • MAR30218 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Integrated Rating)
  • MAR40518 Certificate IV in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver Grade 1 Near Coastal)
  • MAR40618 Certificate IV in Maritime Operations (Master up to 35 metres Near Coastal)
  • MAR50115 Diploma of Maritime Operations (Engineer Watchkeeper)
  • MAR50315 Diploma of Maritime Operations (Watchkeeper Deck)
  • MAR50415 Diploma of Maritime Operations (Master up to 500 GT)
  • MAR50613 Diploma of Maritime Operations (Marine Engineering Class 3 Near Coastal)
  • MAR60315 Advanced Diploma of Maritime Operations (Master Unlimited)
31 December 2021
  • MAR60115 Advanced Diploma of Maritime Operations (Marine Engineering Class 2)
30 April 2022
  • MAR60215 Advanced Diploma of Maritime Operations (Marine Engineering Class 1)
21 December 2023

It was demonstrated to ASQA that learners would be genuinely disadvantaged if they were required to transition to the replacement qualifications as disruptions to the academic year and additional changes to the replacement qualifications would create an additional study burden for learners.

The qualifications will remain on RTOs scope of registration until the end of the extended transition period unless the RTO chooses to withdraw it from scope prior.

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