Extended transition period for units affected by ‘Deleted’ status issue

29 August 2017

On 13 June 2017, a number of ‘Superseded’ and ‘Current’ training products (315 in total) had their status on training.gov.au changed to ‘Deleted’. The ‘Deleted’ status indicates that a training product is no longer current and that it has not been replaced or superseded by another training product.

For many units of competency, the ‘Deleted’ status has been applied retrospectively and, as such, have a ‘Deleted’ date that is months to years in the past, making these units of competency ineligible for the one year transition period detailed under clause 1.26(c) in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 (the Standards).

ASQA is empowered to vary the transition periods detailed in the Standards. Due to the status being applied retrospectively and to ensure no enrolled students are disadvantaged, ASQA Commissioners have approved an extended transition period of one (additional) year, until 13 June 2018 for the affected units of competency.

This decision is applied to all RTOs delivering these units of competency to students enrolled prior to 13 June 2017. It is advised that where an affected unit of competency is being delivered as ‘stand-alone’, that no new enrolments should be taken into the ‘Deleted’ unit and a suitable replacement product should be determined by the RTO. If you require assistance in determining a replacement product, please refer to the relevant Skills Service Organisation for assistance.

A list of the affected units of competency can be found below.

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