Provider information
Provider number
Legal name
Global Education Consultant Pty. Ltd.
Trading name
Dalton College
Managerial agent
Chief Executive - Ms Meng Li; Director - Meng Li
Decision information
Date of decision
Decision type
Part suspension
Details of decision
- Suspend, under the NVR Act s 36(2)(e) and s 38:
- the following part of the RTO’s scope of registration:
- BSB80615 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
- BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management,
- and any new training package product that would be automatically added to the scope of registration because it is equivalent to one which appears above, and
- during the period of suspension require, under the NVR Act s 38(2), the RTO (not) to:
- enrol a student in a suspended VET course or part of a suspended VET course
- allow a VET student to begin a suspended VET course of part of a suspended VET course
- publish or broadcast an advertisement relating to a suspended VET course or any part of a suspended VET course,
- cause to be published or broadcast an advertisement relating to a suspended VET course or any part of a suspended VET course.
- the following part of the RTO’s scope of registration:
Status of decision
Reconsideration finalised – decision revoked
Status of review
No review available
NVR Act or ESOS Act