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Provider Roundtable

The Provider Roundtable is ASQA’s primary forum for strategic engagement and consultation with the peak VET, dual sector and English language provider associations on regulatory design, reform and benefits realisation.

About the Provider Roundtable
ASQA’s strategic objective is to achieve its purpose over the next four years through its regulation and partnership with others.
Stakeholder engagement supports ASQA’s strategic objective and government priorities for quality VET outcomes and continuous improvement of the regulatory framework.
The Provider Roundtable is ASQA’s primary forum for strategic engagement and consultation with the peak VET, dual sector and English language provider associations on regulatory design, reform and benefits realisation.
Roundtable Members endorsed the group’s first Terms of Reference in March 2021.
In February 2022, Roundtable Members endorsed a revised Terms of Reference, which included a new Purpose, an evaluation provision, and a statement on the alignment and interface between the Roundtable and the ASQA SLG.
Provider Roundtable members
The Provider Roundtable is chaired by the CEO of ASQA and comprised of senior representatives from:
- Adult Learning Australia
- Community Colleges Australia
- English Australia
- Enterprise Registered Training Organisation Association
- Independent Higher Education Australia
- Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia
- TAFE Directors Australia.
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