Provider information
Decision information
The following conditions to be imposed on the Applicant's registration pursuant to s 29 of the NVR Act and/or s 10B of the ESOS Act for the duration of the applicant's current period of registration under the NVR Act: 1) The Applicant must send quarterly AVETMISS data reports to ASQA 2) The Applicant must retain records of completed student assessments for a period 12 months commencing on the date which a student is issued with a qualification 3) The Applicant must retain a quarterly register of workplaces used to deliver training and assessment in relevant courses on scope, and must provide this register on request, including the following details: - name of workplace; - address and contact details of workplace; - course code(s) and title(s) delivered at the workplace; - trainer(s) and assessor(s) assigned to deliver at the workplace; - details of students undertaking training at the workplace including a) student name b) date of birth c) s tudent USI d) period of training at the workplace; and - a sample of photo and video evidence of the facilities while in use. 4) The Applicant must maintain a register of student complaints. The complaints register must be produced to ASQA within 7 days of ASQA requesting it production.