Student surveys
As part of its performance assessment (audit), ASQA seeks input from training providers’ current and former students including through interviews and surveys.
This fact sheet explains the survey that your students will be asked to complete and your role in assisting ASQA with this process.
What is the purpose of the student survey?
The student survey collects information from students about their experiences from the time they first decided to enrol with your training provider, including by asking them about the training and support they received, their assessment experiences, and the completion of their training.
This information will be used by ASQA to:
- inform the scope of your performance assessment
- identify any areas of concern, and
- support the evidence or identify any variance from the evidence you provide during the performance assessment process.
How will the survey be administered?
ASQA will utilise an electronic survey tool to administer the survey to students that have enrolled in or completed training with your organisation in the past 12 months.
ASQA will ask your organisation to:
- complete a template with a list of student details, and
- inform these students they may receive a survey from ASQA.
ASQA will then send out an email invite to all, or to a sample of, these students requesting they complete the survey.
ASQA may ask you to remind students to complete the survey if the response rate is very low.
What is the survey about?
The survey asks questions that relate to the following parts of the student experience:
- marketing and recruitment
- enrolment
- support and progression
- training and assessment, and
- completion.
Students are asked to tick the box that best matches their agreement with statements about their learning experiences. The survey also asks students some open questions about their overall satisfaction with their training experience.
See below for the full list of questions.
Will I be given a copy of the results?
You will be provided with a summary of the aggregated responses for your survey at the same time you are issued with your performance assessment report. This summary will not identify individual students or include comments from individual students as these are kept confidential. Your auditor may also discuss the overall survey results with you at audit and reference them in the audit report.
ASQA holds the copyright for this document and RTOs are not permitted to republish these survey results in any form, including on their websites.
More information
For more information, please contact us.
ASQA student survey questionsMarketing and recruitment
Support and progression
Training and assessment
Overall satisfaction