Student Response Form

Please enter the unique reference number as noted at the top of the letter you received, titled: 'Notification of intention to cancel a qualification and/or statement of attainment issued to you by the former registered training organisation.'

Your details


Contact details:

Your qualifications

Start typing either the qualification code or name of the qualification and then select the relevant qualification from the list. To add more than one qualification, select + and then repeat the process. Not sure of your qualification code or name? Refer to your recent correspondence from ASQA.

You must select your former provider at the top form to be able to select and enter your qualifications.


Your response to ASQA's findings

Please provide full details and reasons as to why you think ASQA should not cancel your qualification(s).

Supporting documentation

  1. Use the file upload tools below to provide documents to support your response. If you have more than 4 documents please upload a zip file containing them. The total of all the attachments uploaded must not exceed 10 MB (2.5 MB per file upload). You may consider optimising PDFs or compressing your attachments. If you want to add more evidence or are experiencing difficulties submitting the form, please call 1300 701 801.  
  2. If you want to add large files, you should still submit the response form with at least one piece of evidence attached before the due date and time. In your response please indicate that you would like to provide extra evidence and we will contact you. If you do not submit a response by the due date and time your response will not be considered
  3. If you are experiencing difficulties submitting the form or need assistance, please call 1300 701 801. 

We will be in contact with you to advise you of the outcome.

It is an offence to provide false and/or misleading information to ASQA in support of your response.