ASQA continues to encourage tip-offs

12 February 2025

What is the issue?

Non-genuine providers and bad faith operators who engage in illicit or unethical activities damage the reputation of the sector and present a significant threat to the integrity of VET.

ASQA’s tip-off line has provided a steady stream of high-quality leads, significantly bolstering our ability to detect bad provider behaviour and protect students. It is important that the community understands how the information received from tip-offs is used, so that there is confidence that tip-offs remain a vital source of regulatory intelligence for ASQA.

Since its launch, we have received more than 3,200 tip-offs with around 60% of information leading to actionable intelligence.

ASQA continues to encourage tips-offs. Our VET tip-off line provides a safe and confidential avenue for current and former students, staff and other potential whistle-blowers to report alleged illegal and serious non-compliance activity. 

ASQA is bound by the provisions of the Privacy Act 1988, including the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). Your personal information will be handled in accordance with ASQA's obligations under this Act. For further information, please see our Privacy policy.

My competitor is sending in tip-offs about me

ASQA considers all tips-offs seriously, no matter the source. We have received ‘tip-offs’, ‘complaints’ or ‘reports about providers’ since we were established.

When we receive a tip-off we analyse the information provided, together with other intelligence we hold. We make an assessment about the appropriate regulatory response, taking into account a range of factors, including the nature of the concerns and potential or actual harm to students.

This information can inform the scope of a regulatory activity, lines of inquiry and evidence collection.

However, ASQA relies on evidence, not information, in making any regulatory decisions.

I have provided a tip-off, will I receive updates about how this information is being used?

We value and consider seriously all tip-offs, however we cannot give you updates about the progress of your tip-off or enable an individual resolution about a concern you may have.

For privacy and other reasons, we cannot give out any details about action we take as a result of a ‘tip-off’.

More information

If you are aware of any serious misconduct in the VET sector which affects the quality or integrity of services, or threatens the wellbeing of students, we encourage you to report this. Call our tip-off line on 1300 644 844 within Australia (+61 2 5933 2022 from outside of Australia) or submit a tip-off report online anytime via our website. You can remain anonymous if you wish.

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